Penny McElroy M.F.A.
About Penny McElroy
Penny McElroy is an artist and teacher. After earning a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work, and working as a counselor for 5 years, Penny entered the graduate graphics program at the University of Wisconsin / Madison. Since earning her MFA in 1984, Penny has taught graphic design, printmaking and book arts – first at Bethany College in Kansas and, since 1986, at Redlands.
Penny’s artwork spans a broad range of media, from drawing, painting, and printmaking to 3-D ceramic pieces. Recently she has been experimenting with layered mixed media works on paper that incorporate light and video. Penny’s work has been exhibited throughout the United States and abroad, including recently at the Cal Poly Pomona exhibit Ink & Clay, where her work, el matrimonio de Archimedes, won the University President’s Purchase award. Other recent art venues also include Whitney Modern Gallery in Los Gatos, ARC gallery in San Francisco, Skylight Gallery in New York, Gallery 825 in Los Angeles, Lalit Kala Akademi in New Delhi, India, Cali, Medellin and Manizales, Columbia, as well as Quilmes, Argentina.
For more information: www.magpieseye.com.
- M.F.A., Graphics, University of Wisconsin - Madison
- B.A., Social Work, Alma College
Professional Background
- University of Redlands, Art Department Chair
- Bethany College, Assistant Professor
- Madison Art Supply Company, Salesperson
- Hollins College, Head Resident
- Program for Alcohol and Substance Treatment, Counselor
Johnston Center for Integrative Studies
College Art Association
Southern California Women's Caucus for Art
Redlands Art Association
Areas of Expertise
- Graphic Design
- Collage/Mixed Media
- Printmaking
- Book Arts
- "Evaluating the AP Portfolio in Studio Art"
- Cover Art and Book Design - "Strange Toys" by Patricia Geary
"a turning night of stars" (solo exhibit), Klemm Gallery, Siena Heights University, Adrian, MI
Residency - Siena Heights University, Studio Angelico , Adrian, MI
"recovered mercies" (solo exhibit), Peppers Art Gallery, University of Redlands, CA
"Material Girls" (invitational exhibit), Riverside Art Museum, Riverside, CA
"Women's Work is Never Done" (invitational exhibit), Fullerton College Art Gallery, Fullerton CA
"East in Eden" (invitational exhibit), Kellogg Art Gallery, Cal Poly Pomona, CA
"Summer Stock," (juried exhibit) Gallery 825, Los Angeles, CA
Cover Art: "Camera Obscura" by Rebecca Bednarz
Lecture: "All this Singing One Song," School of the Visual Arts Conference on
Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, New York, NY
Awards and service
Elected to the Board of Directors - Redlands Art Association
Outstanding Faculty Research Award - University of Redlands, 2007
Juried Membership - Gallery 825, Los Angeles Art Association
Chief Faculty Consultant, Advanced Placement Studio Art – Educational Testing Service
Committee Member Test Development Committee - Advanced Placement Studio Art
Several Summer Research Grants - University of Redlands